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VerifEye™ Submetering

A submeter conserves energy and reduces costs. Leviton VerifEye is a comprehensive line of submetering solutions designed for commercial, industrial, and residential submetering applications.

Complete Submetering Solutions

From tenant billing to energy measurement & verification (M&V) software solutions, VerifEye submeters offer cost-effective scalability and integration to provide you with the submetering solution you need today that can be expanded in the future. This seamless solution enables smart metering, meets code compliance requirements and simplifies the complexities of allocating energy costs and billing tenants. Building owners and managers can minimize usage of electric, gas, water and other utilities for long-term cost savings. Organizations that monitor and manage energy usage are better able to compete, to achieve real savings, and to meet code compliance and building efficiency standards such as LEED, California Title 24 and ASHRAE 90.1.

For additional energy savings, combine VerifEye submeters with Leviton lighting controls for a complete energy management solution from a single source.

VerifEye delivers accurate information for Energy conservation programs AND

  • Tenant billing/cost allocation
  • Load profiling & benchmarking
  • Measurement & verification (M&V)
  • Building codes and standards compliance
  • Green initiatives including LEED certification
  • Federal government energy program compliance
  • Building management systems (AMR/BMS/EMS) integration
VerifEye Series 7000 Submeter Family Commissioning
VerifEye DAS Communications Products Commissioning
VerifEye Pulse Meter Commissioning
What is Submetering?
The VerifEye Value Proposition

Submetering Solutions Brochure

From tenant billing to energy measurement & verification (M&V) software solutions, VerifEye offers cost-effective scalable solutions.

VerifEye Submetering Solutions Brochure

Submetering 101

VerifEye Submetering Components

UL508A Submetering Panels | Leviton

Leviton offers a wide range of configured panel solutions for the communications, data acquisition, and submetering market at a significantly better value than third party panel shops.
UL508A submetering panels

Simplified Energy Data and Billing Software

Harness the power of BMO (Building Manager Online).

  • Real time energy data such as consumption and demand patterns for a single facility or an entire portfolio of buildings to meet facility and code compliance needs
  • Stay up to date with user set alarms and email functions for invoicing, energy usage alerts, and more pertinent information
  • Easily generate date-based reports for whole building energy sources (electric, gas, water, steam and BTUs) as well as internal buildings systems
  • Configure dashboards to graphically display user defined energy information data
  • Create virtual meters to easily report on aggregated end use energy loads such as lighting, HVAC, plug loads and other equipment

Excellence Comes Standard

  • Utilize the open architecture design to integrate third party building management system (BMS) platforms
  • Design systems to comply with UL 916 Listed or recognized for Energy Monitoring Equipment and UL 61010 Electrical Equipment for Measurement and Control
  • Install with ease. Installation diagnostics visually confirm that the submeter is properly installed and functioning
  • Quality submeters backed by our best-in-the-industry 5 year warranty

VerifEye Building Manager Online (BMO)

Basic Module
Advanced Reporting Module
Tenant Billing Module

Frequently Asked Quetions

Current Transformers (CTs)

Pulse and base meters use 100 milliamps. Advanced meters use .333 millivolts.

Depends on meters and communication type. See article Cable Types and Max CT Wire Lengths for more information.

Yes. CTs can be paralleled to measure current through more than one electrical conduct.

Communication Protocols

ModBus RTU:

  • Serial connection
  • ModBus RTU interface is the most commonly used protocol
  • When using pulse meters, an HD pulse module must be used to bring data into the ModBus network

ModBus TCP:

  • Ethernet protocol
  • Better for transmitting data long distances

Only advanced meters can use BACnet. Advanced meters have built-in pulse inputs, no need for additional pulse modules.


That varies on the type of meter and communication protocol. Meters using ModBus are limited to 32 devices. This number can be multiplied using an HD Pulse Module, as each pulse module can support 23 meters. Multi-circuit meters can support more meters.


Basic meters like the 1000, 2000, and 3500 are factory configured. A basic meter's amp and voltage cannot be changed. Advanced meters are all programable. Knowing the amp, voltage, and what's being measured is important before ordering.

For standard configurations and dual reference inputs, use the 71D48. For a 24-virtual meter configuration, and a full data set for industrial applications, use the 73D48.

Building Manager Online (BMO)

No, you can use any web browser to access data and download a CSV file. If only using the hub, you must retrieve data from one device at a time. If there are many meters, it is better to have BMO.

No. Users must pay for an annual subscription to the BMO service.

VerifEye Resources

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